A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

All words by strunkahriik

Word Part of Speech Definition Canon Level Date Published
Ahkoraav verb Exhibit, Exhibition Semi-Canon February 4, 2014
Briik verb Breach Non-Canon January 29, 2014
Gonaas verb Commence Non-Canon April 22, 2014
Luftilir noun Face Paint Semi-Canon April 22, 2014
Nunaakun noun Revelation Semi-Canon February 4, 2014
Sahvaas adjective Zealous Semi-Canon January 29, 2014
Sahvaat noun Zealot Semi-Canon January 29, 2014
Tauliis noun Talisman Non-Canon January 29, 2014