Dictionary > Drem
(Kyne’s Peace Shout)
(Dialogue File, 00055870)
(POGGLE, p. 1096)
n. peace; patience, withholding aggression or eagerness
Kaan drem ov!
Kyne peace trust!
(Kyne’s Peace Shout)
Drem. Patience. There are formalities which must be observed, at the first meeting of two of the dov.
(Paarthurnax, 0003F890)
Drem Yol Lok. Greetings.
(Paarthurnax, 00077360)
Nonvul Bron, dahmaan daar rok do fin Fodiiz Bormah – Draal ni fah Drem, fah grik los hind do sahlo ahrk nivahriin.
Noble Nord, remember these words of the Hoar Father – Pray not for Peace, for such is the wish of the weak and cowardly.
(Word Wall for Drem, Kyne’s Peace)
Withholding inborn aggressiveness and hostility. In the Kyne’s Peace Shout, restrains the aggressive tendencies of wild animals. For a dragon, represents restraint from violent power rather than its absence.