Dictionary > Golt
(Dialogue File, 0202BC5A)
(POGGLE, p. 1096)
n. ground; place
Mu daal wah golt.
We will return to the ground. / We will land.
(Tamed Dragon, 0202BC5A)
Nau daar revak golt drey Freda zahrahmiik ek Laas, ful tol ek pogaan kiir filok, ahrk osos sul qahnaar ek hokoron.
On this sacred ground did Freda sacrifice her Life, so that her many children might escape, and some day vanquish her enemies.
(Word Wall for Laas, Aura Whisper)
Het nok Fjolmod Bein-Su, wo pook ol pogaas nau gol ol ok kopraan dreh nu ko golt.
Here lies Fjolmod Foul-Air, who stank as much on earth as his body does now in the ground.
(Word Wall for Su, Elemental Fury)
Refers to the physical ground and surface of the earth, and also a metonym referring to a place or location (revak golt ‘sacred ground’). Nau golt can mean ‘on the ground’ or ‘on this ground / at this place’’.
From gol ‘earth’.