Dictionary > Vulom
(POGGLE, p. 1097)
n. darkness
Nii los heyv do enook mun wah lahney voth ahkrin ahrk zin, leh rok Feim vodahmin kotin vulom.
It is the duty of each man to live with courage and honor, lest he Fade unremembered into darkness.
(Word Wall for Feim, Become Ethereal)
Het nok Faal Vahlok, deinmaar do Dovahgolz ahrk aan Fus do unslaad rahgol ahrk vulom.
Here lies The Guardian, keeper of the Dragonstone and a Force of eternal rage and darkness.
(Word Wall for Fus, Unrelenting Force)
Without light, associated with doom, loss of hope. Also associated with being lost or forgotten.
From vul ‘dark’ with noun suffix -om.