Dictionary > Vahlok
(POGGLE, p. 1097)
n. guardian
Het nok Faal Vahlok, wo kron pogaas moro. Fah ok unslaad mid, rok aav dilon voth lot zin.
Here lies the Guardian, who won much glory. For his eternal loyalty, he joins the dead with great honor. (Word Wall for Mid, Battle Fury)
Qethsegol vahrukiv vur do Faal Vahlok, nonvul aar se dovah wen dez lost wah qahnaar tahrodiis Miraak.
This stone commemorates the valor of the Guardian, noble servant of dragons whose fate it was to vanquish the treacherous Miraak.
(Word Wall for Vur, Battle Fury)
Het nok Faal Vahlok, deinmaar do Dovahgolz ahrk aan Fus do unslaad rahgol ahrk vulom.
Here lies The Guardian, keeper of the Dragonstone and a Force of eternal rage and darkness.
(Word Wall for Fus, Unrelenting Force)
Honorary title, connotes service and devotion.
Possibly from vaat ‘to swear’ or vahriin ‘sworn’ indicating someone who is sworn to protect something.