Dictionary > Unt
(POGGLE, p. 1097)
v. to try
n. try; trial
Het nok bein nahgahdinok Azaran faal Munax, wo unt wah Gron krilot dilon do Sovngarde wah lein do jul, ahrk funt.
Here lies the foul necromancer Azaran the Cruel, who tried to Bind the valiant dead of Sovngarde to the world of man, and failed.
(Word Wall for Gron, Become Ethereal)
Het nok kopraan do sonaan Romerius, wo unt Ru nol osos gogil, nuz motmah.
Here lies the body of the bard Romerius, who tried to Run from some goblins, but slipped.
(Word Wall for Ru, Dismay)
Unlike close synonym togaat ‘to attempt’, does not directly imply failure.
Means ‘to try or attempt’, not ‘to test’ (as in ‘try the food’) or ‘to try for a crime’.