Dictionary > Strundu'ul
(Dialogue File, 000C43AB)
n. Stormcrown
Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau. Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok.
Long sorrowfully (has) waited the Stormcrown, with no worthy head to rest on. By our Voice we give it now (to you), Dragonborn, by (the) power of Kyne, by the power of Shor, and by the power of Atmora-of-old. Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok.(You have) become now Ysmir, Dragon of the North. Remember these words.
(Greybeards, 000C43AB, 000C43A7, 000C43A6, 000C43AE)
Arngeir. Rok los Dovahkiin, Strundu'ul. Rok fen tinvaak Paarthurnax.
Arngeir. She is Dragonborn, (the) Stormcrown. He will speak (to) Paarthurnax.
(Einarth, 000B3980)
Title of mythic significance given to the Dragonborn, a metaphorical ‘crown’ passed from Dragonborn to Dragonborn. May have been originally coined in reference to Talos, whose name means ‘stormcrown’.
Compound of strun ‘storm’ and du’ul ‘crown’.