Dictionary > Faas
(Dismay Shout)
(Dialogue File, 000D2DBB)
(POGGLE, p. 1096)
v. to fear, be afraid of
n. fear
Faas ru maar!
Fear run terror!
(Dismay Shout)
Ni faas, Dovahkiin!
(I do) not fear (you), Dragonborn!
(Odahviing, 000D2DBB)
Faas ni Brendon do Dinok, fah rok los qolaas do moro, ahrk hin aak wah lot Sovngarde.
Fear not the Specter of Death, for he is the herald of glory, and your guide to great Sovngarde.
(Word Wall for Faas, Dismay)
Word of Power, to be afraid of something that warrants fear, as in a danger, threat, or higher power.