Dictionary > Lok
(Clear Skies Shout)
(Dialogue File, 000E16F50)
(POGGLE, p. 1097)
n. sky
Lok vah koor!
Sky spring summer!
(Clear Skies Shout)
Lok, Thu'um.
Sky (above), Voice (within).
(Arngeir, 000BF4B0)
Drem Yol Lok.
Peace Fire Sky.
(Paarthurnax, 0003F88B)
Amativ! Mu bo kotin stinselok.
Onward! We fly into the sky's freedom.
(Odahviing, 000E16F5)
Strong association with freedom, openness, unbridled strength and power.
Drem Yol Lok ‘Peace Fire Sky’ is a phrase of greeting. Similarly, Lok, Thu’um ‘Sky above, voice within’ is a phrase of parting and goodwill among the Greybeards. Featured in the dragon name Sahloknir ‘phantom sky hunt’.