Dictionary > Kiin
(POGGLE, p. 1096)
v. to bear, birth, give birth to; to begin
n. birth; beginning
adj. birthing; born, originating (from), descended (from)
Het mah sahrot konahrik Aaban, kiin se Klo se Alikr, praan nu denek Keizaal.
Here fell the mighty warlord Aaban, born of the Sand of the Alik’r, at rest now in the soil of Skyrim.
(Word Wall for Klo, Slow Time)
Can reference any birth or beginning. Does not mean ‘bear’ as in ‘to bear weight’ or ‘to bear arms’.
Shares root with kiim ‘wife’ and kiir ‘child’.
Most commonly seen in the compound word dovahkiin ‘dragonborn’.