Dictionary > Kein
(Book, Songs of Skyrim)
(POGGLE, p. 1096)
v. to war (against)
n. war
Ahrk fin zul, rok drey kod, nau tol morokei frod, rul lot Taazokaan motaad voth kein!
And the Voice, he did wield, on that glorious field, when great Tamriel shuddered with war!
(Book, Songs of Skyrim)
Ahrk fin Kel lost prodah, do ved viing ko fin krah, tol fod zeymah win kein meyz fundein!
And the Scrolls have foretold, of black wings in the cold, that when brothers wage war come unfurled!
(Book, Songs of Skyrim)
Wah Krii ko morokei kein los wah zin geinmaar. Wah dir ko morokei kein los wah zin pah do Keizaal.
To Kill in glorious war is to honor oneself. To die in glorious war is to honor all of Skyrim.
(Word Wall for Krii, Marked for Death)
Refers to a specific war or war in general, prolonged conflict.
Not to be confused with Kaan ‘Kyne’. The phrase evgir unslaad ‘season unending’ is an idiom for war.