Dictionary > Ahkrin
(POGGLE, p. 1096)
n. courage, bravery
But I honor your courage. Krif voth ahkrin.
But I honor your courage. (You) fight bravely.
(Mirmulnir, 00078DF7)
Nonvul Bron mahfaeraak dahmaan sahrot Vahlok, wen lot ahkrin shaan ney muz ahrk dovah.
Noble Nord, forever remember the mighty Vahlok, whose great courage inspired both men and dragons.
(Word Wall for Shaan, Battle Fury)
May share root with krii ‘to kill’, kriin ‘to slay’, and krif ‘to fight’, indicating ahkrin and its related words connotate courage and bravery in battle.
From krin ‘courageous’.
The phrase voth ahkrin ‘with courage’ is used as an adverb to mean ‘courageously’ or ‘bravely’.