Dictionary > Bovul
(Dialogue File, 00048F0D)
(Book, Dragon Language: Myth No More)
(POGGLE, p. 1096)
v. fliehen
n. Flucht
Alduin bovul. One reason I came to your call was to test your Thu'um for myself.
Alduin fled (from you). One reason I came to your call was to test your Thu'um for myself.
(Odahviing, 00048F0D)
Qethsegol vahrukiv daanik Fahliil kiir do Gravuun Frod, wo bovul ko Maar nol kinzon zahkrii do kruziik hokoron.
This stone commemorates the doomed elf children of the Autumn Field, who fled in Terror from the sharp swords of the ancient enemy.
(Word Wall for Maar, Dismay)
Flight from destruction, death, or doom. Connotates cowardice, terror, or hopelessness.
Possibly a compound of bo and vul meaning ‘fly-dark’.