Dictionary > Kiir
(Book, Dragon Language: Myth No More)
(Dialogue File, 000ED35E)
(POGGLE, p. 1096)
n. child
Di [sic] kiirre fen alok.
My children will rise.
(Alduin, 000ED35E)
Nau daar revak golt drey Freda zahrahmiik ek Laas, ful tol ek pogaan kiir filok, ahrk osos sul qahnaar ek hokoron.
On this sacred ground did Freda sacrifice her Life, so that her many children might escape, and some day vanquish her enemies.
(Word Wall for Laas, Aura Whisper)
Qethsegol vahrukiv kiir jun Jafnhar, wo los ag nahlaas naal Yol do lot dovah Lodunost.
This stone commemorates the child king Jafnhar, who was burned alive by the Fire of the great dragon Lodunost.
(Word Wall for Yol, Fire Breath)
For dragons (esp. Alduin), refers to anything one is responsible for creating or giving life to.
Shares root with kiim ‘wife’ and kiin ‘to birth’.