A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Dreh (verb) - Do / Does
Canon.  Authored by paarthurnax. Word created on January 2, 2013.  #57.
DR4 Drah (verb) - Commit
Semi-Canon.  Authored by Mirkrilaar. Word created on February 13, 2014.  #5277.
From "Dreh," "to do." Edited from "Ahndah."
DR4VUT Drahvut (noun) - Device, Devise
Semi-Canon.  Authored by Ahmuldein. Word created on June 17, 2014.  #7166.
Related to "Dreh," "to do." Both the noun "device" and the verb "to devise."
DREHL1N Drehlaan (verb) - Done
Semi-Canon.  Authored by Odahviing. Word created on April 4, 2013.  #1604.
Means "have done" or "is done".
DREL1Z Drelaaz (noun) - Conduct
Semi-Canon.  Authored by Mirkrilaar. Word created on February 13, 2014.  #5279.
From "Dreh", "to do".
DREN Dren (noun) - Act, Action, Deed, Feat
Semi-Canon.  Authored by paarthurnax. Word created on May 26, 2013.  #2231.
Edited from "Stig."
DREN3R Dreniir (noun) - Instrument, Implement, Utensil, Tool
Semi-Canon.  Authored by paarthurnax. Word created on July 28, 2013.  #3116.
"Dreh" with the suffix "-niir", meaning "that which someone does something with".
DR9 Drey (verb) - Did
Canon.  Authored by paarthurnax. Word created on January 2, 2013.  #60.
DRO Dro (verb) - Redo
Semi-Canon.  Authored by Narles. Word created on April 16, 2014.  #5894.
From "Dreh", "to do".
DRUTH Druth (verb) - Execute, carry out
Semi-Canon.  Authored by Jarl Gjalund. Word created on April 25, 2015.  #9775.
Portmanteau of "Dreh," "to do," and "Uth," "command"; to carry out a command.
VOTHDREH Vothdreh (verb) - Interact
Semi-Canon.  Authored by ikaram. Word created on July 26, 2014.  #7495.
Compound of "Voth" and "Dreh," "do with."