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The Legacy Dictionary is no longer being maintained. For the most current information, see the main Dictionary page.
HON1T Honaat (noun) - Sound, Noise |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Numinex. Word created on May 23, 2013. #2197.
"Hon" with the suffix "-aat", "that which is heard". Edited from "Honaht." |
4ZIDHON1T Ahzidhonaat (noun) - Dissonance, Dissonant |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Foduiiz. Word created on June 3, 2014. #6860. |
"Ahzid" with "Honaat," lit. "bitter sound" or "bitter-sounding." |
HEZHON1T Hezhonaat (noun) - Consonance, Consonant |
Modern. Authored by Foduiiz. Word created on June 3, 2014. #6861. |
"Hez" with "Honaat," lit. "bright sound" or "bright-sounding." Refers to sound rather than linguistics. |
HON1TBO Honaatbo (noun) - Soundwave |
Modern. Authored by SkraafiiSeShuniik. Word created on December 28, 2014. #8777. |
Lit. "sound flow." |
HON1TBOD Honaatbod (verb) - Vibrate |
Non-Canon. Authored by DovahKiinZaan. Word created on December 4, 2014. #8647. |
Lit. "Sound", "move". |
HON1TMUL Honaatmul (noun) - Tone, Tonality |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Foduiiz. Word created on June 3, 2014. #6859. |
"Honaat" with "Mul", lit. "sound-strength." |
HON1TUS Honaatus (adjective) - Noisy |
Non-Canon. Authored by Mirkrilaar. Word created on September 16, 2014. #7843. |
From "Honaat" with suffix "-us". |