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The Legacy Dictionary is no longer being maintained. For the most current information, see the main Dictionary page.
R3V Riiv (noun) - Fabric, Cloth |
Non-Canon. Authored by Aakuliiz. Word created on April 5, 2013. #1616.
KLOVR3V Klovriiv (noun) - Headscarf, Headband, Turban, Bandanna, any cloth worn about the head |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Maakrindah. Word created on July 18, 2015. #10315. |
Lit. "head-cloth." |
NEBENR3V Nebenriiv (noun) - Underwear |
Non-Canon. Authored by Liis. Word created on March 23, 2015. #9412. |
Lit. "under-cloth." |
NONVULR3V Nonvulriiv (noun) - Regalia |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Maakrindah. Word created on May 5, 2015. #9898. |
Lit. "noble-cloth." |
ONIKR3V Onikriiv (noun) - Robes, enchanted robes or garb, typically of a priest |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Maakrindah. Word created on May 5, 2015. #9904. |
Lit. "wise-cloth." |
R3VED Riived (noun) - Clothes, Clothing |
Non-Canon. Authored by paarthurnax. Word created on April 8, 2013. #1663. |
Can also be used as a verb "to clothe". |
R3V2 Riivei (adjective) - Clothed, Clad |
Non-Canon. Authored by In Sil Ah. Word created on November 1, 2014. #8293. |
From "Riiv," "cloth." |
RUSR3V Rusriiv (noun) - Scarf |
Non-Canon. Authored by otakufreak40. Word created on August 18, 2014. #7704. |
From "Ruus" and "Riiv," "neck cloth." |
THOKR3V Thokriiv (noun) - Rag |
Non-Canon. Authored by shynight. Word created on May 10, 2014. #6484. |
Literally 'dirt-cloth'. |