Download dragon word wall font
For the unaware, Skyrim presents two rune alphabets: the one you're likely familiar with that we use here on the site, and a slightly different rune-set on Word Wall inscriptions like the one below.
A font for these runes has somewhat been my white whale, and yesterday I decided to dive into the Creation Kit and see what I could find. After a lot of digging, I finally extracted the dragon rune texture pictured below.
At first it seemed like it would be a lot of trouble to try and isolate the runes themselves. After poking at the Word Wall meshes, I realized the texture had an alpha layer to mask out the runes, which made this project a lot easier.
I traced the runes in my font editor, and pretty quickly I had a working font. I adjusted the glyph sizes and positions to match the game as closely as possible. Below is the final result comparing the standard dragon rune font and the new font.
Most notably this font has an official hypen symbol, which is lacking on the standard font. I recommend using the standard font where possible but this one is fun to have regardless.