At Patriot's position, a familiar droning is heard fast approaching, before the LAAT/e swings in overhead, side-mounted ball turrets firing several blasts of explosive heavy blaster rounds (Imagine about the size of your average modern hand grenade's explosion but... well, several explosions, of couse). The twin nose cannons are also firing, heavy blaster guns literally breaking the armor and bones of the daedra from its sheer kinetic force, while a pair of missiles are fired from the launchers at the top, toppling a pair of nearby trees and blowing apart more hostile daedric forces.
After this display of firepower, the side doors open and the craft lands in the center of the surviving forces. The wounded and dead ARFs are loaded, first, followed by the ARFs themselves.
Patriot turns to their new ally, gesturing and shouting for her to get in, firing a few shots into a charging scamp.