A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Ban Game!!!

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December 11, 2015

I'm sorry, I lost my cool... Cat is banned for calling me a psycopath. 

by Duryoljot
December 11, 2015

I'm sorry, I lost my cool... Cat is banned for calling me a psycopath. 

December 11, 2015

Banned for putting words in my mouth. They taste better when they're coming out...

(please tell me someone gets this reference)

by catjenkins
December 11, 2015

Banned for putting words in my mouth. They taste better when they're coming out...

(please tell me someone gets this reference)

December 11, 2015

And everyone else is banned for never saying thank you to my gifts and never sending anything back in return... Am I the only generous one here?

by Duryoljot
December 11, 2015

And everyone else is banned for never saying thank you to my gifts and never sending anything back in return... Am I the only generous one here?

December 11, 2015

Once more, for the glory of Ahlam! 

by Duryoljot
December 11, 2015

Once more, for the glory of Ahlam! 

December 11, 2015

@Yolos Banned because I just sent you something even though I only just opened my first chest a few minutes ago.

by Viingkolom
December 11, 2015

@Yolos Banned because I just sent you something even though I only just opened my first chest a few minutes ago.

December 11, 2015

It was really valuable too.

by Viingkolom
December 11, 2015

It was really valuable too.

December 11, 2015
Banned for being too charitable.
by Raxvulnax
December 11, 2015
Banned for being too charitable.

December 11, 2015

@Rax banned for being threatened by my charity.

by Viingkolom
December 11, 2015

@Rax banned for being threatened by my charity.

December 11, 2015

Banned for trying to one-up Yolos' charitable nature.

by catjenkins
December 11, 2015

Banned for trying to one-up Yolos' charitable nature.

December 11, 2015

@Cat Banned for assuming I was trying to one-up Yolos.

Maybe I'm just a charitable guy.

by Viingkolom
December 11, 2015

@Cat Banned for assuming I was trying to one-up Yolos.

Maybe I'm just a charitable guy.

December 11, 2015
Banned for believing you're just a charitable guy.
by Raxvulnax
December 11, 2015
Banned for believing you're just a charitable guy.

December 11, 2015

Banned for dissing someone's belief.

by catjenkins
December 11, 2015

Banned for dissing someone's belief.

December 11, 2015

Banned for defending me when I may very well have been deluding myself.

by Viingkolom
December 11, 2015

Banned for defending me when I may very well have been deluding myself.

December 11, 2015
Banned for maybe deluding yourself.
by Raxvulnax
December 11, 2015
Banned for maybe deluding yourself.

December 11, 2015

Banned for posting to much. Serously.

by Necromas
December 11, 2015

Banned for posting to much. Serously.

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