A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Ban Game!!!

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October 8, 2016

banned for hesitating...... again.

by SuleykaarKinbok
October 8, 2016

banned for hesitating...... again.

October 8, 2016

Banned for not letting others ban!

by Ruvgein
October 8, 2016

Banned for not letting others ban!

Some Witch
October 8, 2016

Vanned vecause zee's right!

by Some Witch
October 8, 2016

Vanned vecause zee's right!

October 8, 2016

banned for fantasizing about shirtless construction workers.

by SuleykaarKinbok
October 8, 2016

banned for fantasizing about shirtless construction workers.

October 8, 2016

banned for not responding..... because i'm right.

by SuleykaarKinbok
October 8, 2016

banned for not responding..... because i'm right.

Revak Smoliin
October 8, 2016

Banned for being right.

by Revak Smoliin
October 8, 2016

Banned for being right.

Some Witch
October 8, 2016

Banned for being left.

by Some Witch
October 8, 2016

Banned for being left.

Revak Smoliin
October 8, 2016

Banned for assuming I'm left.

by Revak Smoliin
October 8, 2016

Banned for assuming I'm left.

October 8, 2016

i ban myself for fantasizing about shirtless construction workers.


by SuleykaarKinbok
October 8, 2016

i ban myself for fantasizing about shirtless construction workers.


Revak Smoliin
October 8, 2016

Banned for not capitalizing the first letter in your sentences.

Banned for even mentioning shirtless construction workers.

by Revak Smoliin
October 8, 2016

Banned for not capitalizing the first letter in your sentences.

Banned for even mentioning shirtless construction workers.

October 9, 2016

Banned for telling me how to live my life.

by SuleykaarKinbok
October 9, 2016

Banned for telling me how to live my life.

Some Witch
October 9, 2016
Banned for not knowing how to live your life!
by Some Witch
October 9, 2016
Banned for not knowing how to live your life!

October 9, 2016

banned for having a better life then me.

by SuleykaarKinbok
October 9, 2016

banned for having a better life then me.

October 9, 2016

Banned for having banned a lot in the past two days but not yet today!

by Alvulnax
October 9, 2016

Banned for having banned a lot in the past two days but not yet today!

Veyd Sahvoz
October 9, 2016
Banned for this making it to 141 pages. Seriously, how in Oblivion. This isn't even a discussion thread, debate, or RP. XD you guys must really dedicate a lot of posts to this.
by Veyd Sahvoz
October 9, 2016
Banned for this making it to 141 pages. Seriously, how in Oblivion. This isn't even a discussion thread, debate, or RP. XD you guys must really dedicate a lot of posts to this.
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