A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

[M][SD] Faal Drog do faal Prenlon

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Veyd Sahvoz
September 29, 2015

"so what brings you all to rivendell...hmm is it because of the return of the dark lord Sauron...?" Said Kin

by Veyd Sahvoz
September 29, 2015

"so what brings you all to rivendell...hmm is it because of the return of the dark lord Sauron...?" Said Kin

September 29, 2015

(( Bruh, don't control me character. And who says we would be astonished? Elves do have acute hearing, so not too hard to be surprised by that. ))

by Lokonikah
September 29, 2015

(( Bruh, don't control me character. And who says we would be astonished? Elves do have acute hearing, so not too hard to be surprised by that. ))

Veyd Sahvoz
September 29, 2015

(ok i'm sorry i will change it)

by Veyd Sahvoz
September 29, 2015

(ok i'm sorry i will change it)

September 29, 2015

"Elves and their hearing..." He mutters to himself, heard only by him and Celebrimbor, as he almost was just mouthing it. (( No hearing that comment :P ))

by Lokonikah
September 29, 2015

"Elves and their hearing..." He mutters to himself, heard only by him and Celebrimbor, as he almost was just mouthing it. (( No hearing that comment :P ))

Veyd Sahvoz
September 29, 2015

"Well is it?" Asked kin walking towards Talion

by Veyd Sahvoz
September 29, 2015

"Well is it?" Asked kin walking towards Talion

Emperor of Man
September 29, 2015

'I see Elrond has informed his most powerful generals. Good. The Uruk-hai is rising, we won't stand a chance. We must find . . .' LitrÇ«nd mouthed his following words, looking only at Talion, Kin and the Uruk (I forget his name.) '. . . the One Ring.'

by Emperor of Man
September 29, 2015

'I see Elrond has informed his most powerful generals. Good. The Uruk-hai is rising, we won't stand a chance. We must find . . .' LitrÇ«nd mouthed his following words, looking only at Talion, Kin and the Uruk (I forget his name.) '. . . the One Ring.'

Veyd Sahvoz
September 29, 2015

"But can that so easily be done we will needthe most powerful warriors throughout the land" said Kin turning his gaze towards Litrond

by Veyd Sahvoz
September 29, 2015

"But can that so easily be done we will needthe most powerful warriors throughout the land" said Kin turning his gaze towards Litrond

Veyd Sahvoz
September 29, 2015

'I see Elrond has informed his most powerful generals. Good. The Uruk-hai is rising, we won't stand a chance. We must find . . .' LitrÇ«nd mouthed his following words, looking only at Talion, Kin and the Uruk (I forget his name.) '. . . the One Ring.'

"how do you propose we do this?" asked Kin looking down a bit at Litrond

by Veyd Sahvoz
September 29, 2015

'I see Elrond has informed his most powerful generals. Good. The Uruk-hai is rising, we won't stand a chance. We must find . . .' LitrÇ«nd mouthed his following words, looking only at Talion, Kin and the Uruk (I forget his name.) '. . . the One Ring.'

"how do you propose we do this?" asked Kin looking down a bit at Litrond

Emperor of Man
September 29, 2015
Veyd Sahvoz

"how do you propose we do this?" asked Kin looking down a bit at Litrond

'I . . . don't know.'

by Emperor of Man
September 29, 2015
Veyd Sahvoz

"how do you propose we do this?" asked Kin looking down a bit at Litrond

'I . . . don't know.'

Veyd Sahvoz
September 29, 2015
"The ring will corrupt anyone who puts it on...we will have to gather the greatest fighters" said kin
by Veyd Sahvoz
September 29, 2015
"The ring will corrupt anyone who puts it on...we will have to gather the greatest fighters" said kin

Veyd Sahvoz
September 30, 2015

"what do you think litrond" still concerned about how they were going to protect middle-earth

by Veyd Sahvoz
September 30, 2015

"what do you think litrond" still concerned about how they were going to protect middle-earth

September 30, 2015

"We shall cross the bridge of who shall carry the Ring when we get there." Talion states, turning to Litrond as he speaks.

"Have you any word from Mithrandir?" (I vote we meet Frodo and them at either the Shire or Bree.)

by Lokonikah
September 30, 2015

"We shall cross the bridge of who shall carry the Ring when we get there." Talion states, turning to Litrond as he speaks.

"Have you any word from Mithrandir?" (I vote we meet Frodo and them at either the Shire or Bree.)

Veyd Sahvoz
September 30, 2015
(we shall decide this later when I'm at home)
by Veyd Sahvoz
September 30, 2015
(we shall decide this later when I'm at home)

Veyd Sahvoz
September 30, 2015

(so let's decide how we will do this)

by Veyd Sahvoz
September 30, 2015

(so let's decide how we will do this)

Emperor of Man
September 30, 2015

"We shall cross the bridge of who shall carry the Ring when we get there." Talion states, turning to Litrond as he speaks.

"Have you any word from Mithrandir?" (I vote we meet Frodo and them at either the Shire or Bree.)

(This takes place at around the time of "The Hobbit." How about Bilbo?)

'Mithrandir has left for a place we know as the Shire. It is the homeland of . . . Hobbits. Yes, yes I know, I was thinking exactly that when I first heard it.'

(Everyone should be surprised, as they only hear of them in legend.)

by Emperor of Man
September 30, 2015

"We shall cross the bridge of who shall carry the Ring when we get there." Talion states, turning to Litrond as he speaks.

"Have you any word from Mithrandir?" (I vote we meet Frodo and them at either the Shire or Bree.)

(This takes place at around the time of "The Hobbit." How about Bilbo?)

'Mithrandir has left for a place we know as the Shire. It is the homeland of . . . Hobbits. Yes, yes I know, I was thinking exactly that when I first heard it.'

(Everyone should be surprised, as they only hear of them in legend.)

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