To word order - in Dovahzul seemingly the number 3 is very important, names, shouts, phrases all consist of 3 words.
Does the order of these words change their meaning? I mean, in languages where you can choose word order freely like old norse, its commong to put words that are most important or you on which you want to put emphasis, are at the beginning of a sentence, while less important information or stuff you want to downscale in importance is put last.
As example, Sword King gave to me (correct ON structure) would say that the Sword is the important thing, likely an artifact. while king gave to me sword would state that it is important that the king himself gave you something, if its a sword or a shoe...the hell the fucking king gave you something.
To me king sword gave would state that its important that YOU got it and no one else...
So structure changes meaning.
is this the case for dovahzul as well?
Is Drem Yol Lok the same as Lok Yol Drem? Or is there a different meaning behind?
Does Aaz Hah So state that you are really sorry and beg for mercy and So Hah Aaaz, that you give your sympathies, condolences?
For me it would make sense that these 3 word phrases have slightly different meaning, that changes with word order, the first word being the one emphasised and the last being the unimportant?
How do you think about that?