The name says it all. This is a story writing contest about TES. It doesn't have to do anything with Dovahzul, but it has to do something with TES. In fact, EVERYTHING has to do something with TES. And you should not be a hater. No haters allowed, everybody is equal here, witch means that you can be a critic of someones work, but don't be a hater.
Now, you probably wonder where does the contest part come in. Unlike site contests, this is not going to be a 3 place contest. The winner gets a 120 gold (thank you paarthunax :) just like a regular contest. The runner-up might get a special item, if that is decided later. But I can't alone judge such amazing work! That is why I decided to have a couple of handpicked, random, and special people help me (those are 3 groups of people by the way). I will choose some guys to help me, then I will also randomly choose somebody, and special people are those who I picked, you picked, or I know they are amazing writers or have helped the thread and are fair at judging.
Now, let's see your awesome work, people! :)