EDIT: Ignore the EDIT below, this is the final download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6gGQCwNV1wsQmFHQlp2WnUzaWc/edit?usp=sharing
EDIT: Final download link for the time being, includes Bold, Italic, and Light versions: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6gGQCwNV1wsZUtsTHFmbU9td3c/edit?usp=sharing
EDIT: New download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6gGQCwNV1wsWkFQSFVOcDRJTGM/edit?usp=sharing
I well understand that the Dovahzul language is by Canon supposed to be ancient and mysterious, both in look and sound, but what if Dovahzul was around in the modern age. The Latin writing system has obviously changed quite bit since the printing press made the first Bible, after all, the default font is not Gothic Calligraphy, so here's my take on a modern version of Dovahzul (excluding the more than likely possibility that a few unneaded letters would've evolved out of use):
(Not in alphabetical order)
(The font includes punctuation marks listed on the /learn page, but they aren't displayed in the image)
So how would things look with this modern writing style? Here are a few companies off the top of my head with their logos changes to accomodate Dovahzul:
(This one is actually kind of tough to guess compared to the others, but the company names are all in the alt text anyways)
The font was made by cheating off of myscriptfont, I didn't actually print them out and draw them, I just used Photoshop magic and copied-and-pasted into the template.
The font isn't perfect, and I'll probably clean it up in the future when I get a better font maker. I can upload each letter individually if anyone has the ability to do this (.psd) (1000x1000).
Here's the font download for anyone interested: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6gGQCwNV1wsZG1oeXQxYnpXZEU/edit?usp=sharing
OH and I almost forget, which keys make which letter?
All the single character letters (a, b, d, e, f, etc.) are as they appear on the keyboard (lowercase), here are the exceptions:
AA - c (lowercase)
AH - A (capital)
EI - I (capital)
UU - U (capital)
IR - J (capital)
UR - R (capital)
OO - O (capital)
EY - E (capital)
II - Y (capital)