A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

November 26, 2015


 So, I have massive OCD, and I cannot seem to get this off my mind and now it has become an issue. I keep switching the brightness of my game to make it seem realistic I guess you can say, this my be a dumb question but what level should my brightness be? Right now I have it at 5 clicks away from the brightest. Please tell me what is a good/realistic brightness.

Category: General


November 27, 2015
That depends on how much light's in the room your TV is in. Your TV'll seem much brighter at midnight than at noon.


November 27, 2015

Well, that would change depending on location, so really any brightness could be realistic. And don't forget that skyrim is set in a different world so it may be that they have a different one. 


November 27, 2015

Then there's the inevitable argument that no video screen we have can possibly replicate the sheer amount of light on a sunlit day, let alone do this and show pitch-dark caves correctly too. So, yes, it depends entirely on the situation.