A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Thread Author Last Post Replies
M'aiq the liar
How and where did you first meet M'aiq the liar III
DovahKiinZaan January 2, 2017 19
darkness rises or falls
would you join or kill the dark brotherhood say kill then say: let the light shine. say join then say: darkness rises.
Keita December 21, 2016 10
Favourite dragon
Have a favourite dragon? Come share!
DovahKiinZaan December 20, 2016 23
Favorite moments in Oblivion
Your favorite memories from the Elder Scrolls IV.
Ruvgein December 13, 2016 17
bunny slaughter
How many bunnys have you killed? in Skyrim of course
SuleykaarKinbok November 27, 2016 10
For those who cannot play the game.
This thread is for those who cannot play the game to find out things like who to watch on youtube that play the game etc
natsuisdabom November 22, 2016 6
What is your favourite perk
In skyrim
Blackout November 18, 2016 24
most epic battle in skyrim
your opinion
Blackout November 15, 2016 13
Quickest Skyrim Run?
What's the fastest you've ever beaten Skyrim?
Nirboraan November 12, 2016 13
Skyrim remastered!
whats your opinion!?!?!? I'm hyped to play it all over again....
Khalli November 7, 2016 19
How and where did you first meet M'aiq the liar III
by DovahKiinZaan
Last reply January 2, 2017
would you join or kill the dark brotherhood say kill then say: let the light shine. say join then say: darkness rises.
by Keita
Last reply December 21, 2016
Have a favourite dragon? Come share!
by DovahKiinZaan
Last reply December 20, 2016
Your favorite memories from the Elder Scrolls IV.
by Ruvgein
Last reply December 13, 2016
How many bunnys have you killed? in Skyrim of course
by SuleykaarKinbok
Last reply November 27, 2016
This thread is for those who cannot play the game to find out things like who to watch on youtube that play the game etc
by natsuisdabom
Last reply November 22, 2016
In skyrim
by Blackout
Last reply November 18, 2016
your opinion
by Blackout
Last reply November 15, 2016
What's the fastest you've ever beaten Skyrim?
by Nirboraan
Last reply November 12, 2016
whats your opinion!?!?!? I'm hyped to play it all over again....
by Khalli
Last reply November 7, 2016