A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

All posts by ChizuruKaifu

Date Posted Post Thread
May 25, 2019 there was a thing last year that said the dragon preist mask known as sahvot would be gotten for bea... sikaav
May 25, 2019 in the labryinth the most amount of spells I can find is 20 and the most thuums I can find is 8 incl... The labryinth
May 24, 2019 okay Items
May 24, 2019 I've looked on peoples accounts and every time if they have every item they still are missing on... Items
May 23, 2019 I gave someone kavarins blade because I thought I could get it again but when I tried to I didn'... Kavarins blade
May 22, 2019 There are three moderators and one admin but there are about over 5 thousand people on here and I do... Members
May 22, 2019 each person has a level and start out as a prisoner and have to work there way up but it is incredib... Levels
May 22, 2019 all profile phot's have to be 100x100 or less but the only ones tat are that size I can find hav... Profile photo
May 22, 2019 the black book and elder scrolls both have the color of the items that can be found within the games... Color
May 21, 2019 I like useing maces and a shield  and preferably I play as orc What is your prefurred fight style and what was your last character?
May 21, 2019 after you pull one of the handles go back to the area right before the one with the skeleton and the... forelnaar
May 20, 2019 I know that four items can be found in here and a lot of gold but I can only find kavarins blade but... forelnaar